Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crazy Month

This past month has been crazy. We went to California for Thanksgiving and spent 5 days in Northern California with my Aunt Mary Beth. She is my Father's only sister. We had a really good time. I have been journaling the old fashioned way, pen and paper. I will type those things in later, but today I wanted to write.

Christmas is coming quickly. I have been consumed with my usual chores, work, and finishing 8th grade school projects that I have not had a chance to pay attention to those who need my attention most.

Jared fell and broke his right arm last saturday. He fractured his radial head and tore some ligaments in his wrist. He was on the roof fixing the christmas lights that had blown a fuse. The ladder was not quite "hooked" in place and it collapsed catching his foot as he fell back. He fell about 7 feet and caught himself with his arm.